Are you ready for a little rant? I try to share from a place of love, so understand my intention is pure.
If you’ve been following me on Instagram or even here you might have noticed a slight shift in content. Of course I will keep creating and sharing recipes as I love doing this, but there is so much more I need to get off my chest and that deserves awareness.
The past few years a fire has been brewing but it didn’t really ignite, until recently. Now I’m at a point that I can no longer hold it back and feel a need to shed some light on topics that go beyond just veganism, such as fast fashion, the effects of plastic and other issues that call for our attention.
This blog was build around the idea of working towards a better future, through our food choices, and being more in touch with our intuition. This will stay as it is, with a bit more variety in content. I can no longer ignore certain topics such as the fashion industry (which I supported until recently), the use of plastic and the way we treat ourselves to name a few. So it has been my decision to be part of the solution, and I’m inviting you to do the same.
It’s time for us to break our bubbles and see the state of our planet, we need to work together and step out of our comfort zones.
It is not ok that our waters are highly poluted with plastic waste. It is not ok that people are losing their lives because of our fashion choices. It is NOT ok that we treat each other, the animals, our planet and ourselves without the respect we deserve.
Most of us are so disconnected with our nature that we can hardly see the gifts we’ve been given. We can’t treat our planet, it’s inhabitants (being us and the animals), and ourselves the way we currently are, because if we do, we will destroy ourselves in the process.
One of the quotes that I try to live by is “be the change you want to see in the world”, and I realise that I am not perfect myself either. I still consume plastic and until recently shopped at fast fashion chains, but it’s not about being perfect, it’s about doing our best. Sometimes we simple aren’t aware of the impact our choice have, which brings me back to this post. I will do some research into sustainable brands, solutions and ways for us to stay connected with ourselves and all that surrounds us, and I will share my journey with you.
It’s all about love, as sappy as it may sound. We need to love ourselves and understand we are part of a bigger picture, we need to unite and be part of the solution.
Having said all of this, I hope we can unite and work together. I will do my best to share my tips on living a happy and full live, shed some light on ethical and sustainable brands and ways we can contribute to building a better tomorrow. But mostly sharing love, because it’s all love folks, for a while now I understand that hate get’s us nowhere fast. And of course we are allowed to get angry or sad, and believe me I am both, but let’s embrace those emotions so we can let them go and return to love with a fiery passion.
I am an optimist and believe in a better tomorrow. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world!
One Love,
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