Some of you who follow me on Instagram may have noticed me mentioning Welokahi the past few weeks, and today I want tot tell you a little more about it.
Together with my dear friend & beautiful soul sister Ruby Winkel we started teaching yoga workshops in our hometown (Haarlem). Last year after having finished the Yin Yoga teacher training in 2016 Ruby started Lokahi through which she taught her yoga classes at her beautiful yoga attic.
After completing our Vinyasa teacher training we decided it would be a fun idea to start giving longer yoga classes & workshops together, combining our love for yoga and plant-based foods. Not only did we think it would be a fun idea, but through our family and friends we’ve also seen that their is a need to spread more awareness and connection through yoga and food.
Fast forward to this year, we decided to unite and transform Lokahi, her baby, into Welokahi. We standing for us, all united, while Lokahi in Hawaiian means balance, yin and yang. This balance can be found throughout our yoga classes where we share a combination of yin and yang, creating a soft but steady flow.
Through our yoga workshops which comes with a fully catered lunch we would like to share the balanced we have found created for ourselves, one where yoga and veganisme have played a crucial role. With great feedback from our previous workshops we’ve decided to further develop and grow Welokahi, hoping to connect and share the things that till this day keeps bringing light and joy into our lives. And of course, you won’t be going home with an empty stomach, through years of practice we’ve developed fun and exciting menu’s to make sure all your needs will be met.
Lastly we would like to share one of our favourite mantras with you.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu which means:
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
You can follow us on Instagram for updates and more information, and we’re also on Facebook, so always feel free to drop by and say hi.
One Love & Namasté,
Jason & Ruby
Wishing you lots of success Jason, and Haarlem isn’t so far away from me, I might pop by for a lesson 😉
Thank you so much dear Nina! That would be so much fun, nothing but love for you ❤️😊