Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional, so all the information I’ll discuss in this article is based on my personal experience. Things my consultant and doctor told me and some information I got from doing my own research.
…It's not a diet, its a lifestyle
Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional, so all the information I’ll discuss in this article is based on my personal experience. Things my consultant and doctor told me and some information I got from doing my own research.
…As mentioned before and on my updates “about me” page, I’ll bring some topics for conversation to the table. So while you enjoy the vegan recipes and inspiration, I invite you to join the conversations in between. Today’s topic is going to be privilege, a sometimes controversial topic. We’ll look at the broader meaning of privilege while briefly touching on topics as white privilege and straight privilege. I decided to start here because I’ll probably refer to this in future posts.
…One thing most if not all of us have in common is that we’re constantly looking to get inspired. Inspiration isn’t something that can be forced, it has to flow from within. This is why, just like the seasons, I go through moments of drought. Moments where just like the flowers at the end of their time, inspiration comes to die, an endless cycle of resurrection. Knowing this has brought me comfort during the times where I felt empty, uninspired and grey, trusting that with enough water, sun and love the seeds of live would bring forth new growth, resulting in beautiful concepts, creations and manifestations.
For a moment in life I worried I had completely lost all inspiration. …
When it comes to yoga people often consider themselves “not flexible enough” to even start a practice. This post serves as a response to this common misbelieve, and hopefully brings a different perspective to anyone interested in yoga but feels intimidated because of their lack of flexibility.
To respond I would like to say that yoga is about more than just the postures (asana) and that although it’s great that you gain some flexibility, there are many other things to be gained through yoga, such as…
Two weeks ago a friend of mine shared an article with me that couldn’t have come at a better time, the article is titled “The Gift of being Unattached in relationships”, something I find quite difficult myself. Through this post I’d like to share this article, my own experience and to keep reminding myself to be unattached in love.
Being unattached in love doesn’t mean you can’t love someone fully, it simple means you love them without expectations or limitations. …
Do you believe in failing? Because I don’t, and of course I’d like to share why. Look, this is my personal opinion and outlook on this topic. I’d like to share a perspective that has helped me a lot on my journey.
Growing up I used to be afraid to fail, as I guess most of us are. We have to achieve our goals and get good grades, find a good career and succeed in life. Well it didn’t take me long before I got a rude awakening, I failed and dropped out of college and…
Some of you who follow me on Instagram may have noticed me mentioning Welokahi the past few weeks, and today I want tot tell you a little more about it.
Together with my dear friend & beautiful soul sister Ruby Winkel we started teaching yoga workshops in our hometown (Haarlem). Last year after having finished the Yin Yoga teacher training in 2016 Ruby started…
New Year, New Me? No I don’t think so, it’s still same old me, but I’ll be making different choices, moving towards becoming a better version of myself.
I’m not one for new years resolutions, they hardly ever stick, but one thing that I will make is an intention. This year it is my intention to heal, and to rise above the obstacles I’ve faced the past year. This post will serve as a reminder for myself, reminding me that it’s ok to not be ok, that sometimes I’ll need to take a step back to reflect. And maybe you’ll recognise something, than this can serve as a reminder for the both of us.